A New Star is Born
Louisenthal has added a new security thread to its portfolio based on its RollingStar® technology, which combines two security technologies – ColourShift for colour changes and micro-mirrors for dynamic effects arranged according to highly complex algorithms. For the new thread, RollingStar® i+, the two technologies have, through intensive research and in conjunction with magnetics for machineread, been elevated to a new level.
Louisenthal first launched RollingStar in 2011. Today, almost 100 denominations worldwide have successfully integrated the threads, which have won several industry awards over the last ten years. But nothing stands still, as Louisenthal says, and with constantly increasing demands placed on banknotes, there is and always will be the need for banknotes with visually attractive, eye-catching, and machine-readable features. Especially so for security threads.
It is industry practice to describe a new feature with a memorable and meaningful name related to its visual appearance, and for this new thread the convention has been followed. The i+ in RollingStar i+ stands for ‘impact plus’ because it offers a new range of options in modern banknote design, dynamics and brilliance as well as a clearer colour gradient.
An innovative multi-faceted sub structure and a more sophisticated way of aligning and shaping the micro-mirrors allows for an attractive optical design of the security thread. At the same time, the sub structure offers expanded potential for customisation and enhanced design integration possibilities. Of particular note is that each thread window can be assigned a specific motif, making it possible to optimally coordinate thread and banknote design.
Furthermore, the striking effects of changing colours and moving motifs with a doubling of speed of dynamics compared to the original RollingStar immediately attracts attention and raises security to a higher level, says Louisenthal. RollingStar i+ is available in a variety of design options including textures, colours and dynamic effects, with its brilliant motifs, movement and colour shift purity when the banknote is tilted supporting fast and reliable authentication, even in low light conditions.
It also incorporates proven level one and level two magnetic technologies, in particular MultiCode®, enabling a ‘seamless security concept’ and creating confidence in automated banknote processing.
Further Reading
RollingStar® i+
With RollingStar® i+ we have taken the visual impact and design possibilities for banknotes to a new level. Simple and fast authentication, outstanding visibility even in unfavourable lighting conditions and cutting-edge dynamics are among the highlights of RollingStar® i+.