Modernised design

G+D and Louisenthal got to work on modernising and freshening up the general banknote design and – in particular – designing the security features in terms of their effects and placement. In accordance with the central bank’s wishes, the team kept the existing motifs on each note while lifting the colour palette to make it look brighter.

varifeye® ColourChange along with RollingStar Security Thread and LEAD

Tajikistan was one of the first countries to adopt Louisenthal’s innovative varifeye ColourChange technology. This highly secure element offers vibrant colour and movement from the front through to the back of the note. On the Tajik 500 somoni note, the front features Abuabdullo Rudaki (858-941), the founder of classical Tajik literature, and the varifeye ColourChange showing a metallic cotton flower that turns into a dove on the reverse. It's a colour-intensive sparkling foil set in a translucent window. It offers maximum visual appeal while remaining incredibly difficult to forge. In direct light, the cotton flower shimmers in sophisticated gold, while on the reverse the dove appears in metallic blue. This effect also makes it quick and easy for users to check the note’s authenticity.

The inclusion of Louisenthal’s RollingStar thread was another first for the National Bank of Tajikistan. The shimmering security thread is in widespread use around the world, fulfilling Tajikistan’s requirement for proven security technologies. It combines two key security technologies: ColourShift, for changing colours as the note is tilted; and micro-mirrors, whose exact position is defined by highly complex algorithms. These ensure the uniqueness of each note and make it easier for the public to authenticate it in an instant, while enjoying the fascinating interplay of 3D and multicoloured effects.

The 500 sonomi note also features state-of-the-art holograms – another of Louisenthal’s cutting-edge security technologies that regroups micromirror and colour effects. On the front of the note, LEAD depicts a colourful representation of the main figure on the note, Abuabdullo Rudaki. The feature ensures the note is safe from forgers and instantly recognisable for the public.

Hybrid substrate for the lower denominations

In addition, the Tajikistan National Bank also requested a particularly robust and resilient substrate for the lower-value denominations, principally the 10, 20 and 50 somoni notes. Louisenthal and G+D recommended going with Hybrid®. While banknote substrate has been made from cotton fibres for hundreds of years, Hybrid banknotes are an innovation for notes that are handled very frequently, such as the lower-denomination ones in Tajikistan. While the core is still comprised of cotton, the note sports additional protection with the addition of an ultra-fine polyester foil on each side. The result is a note that is long-lasting, resilient and very resistant to dirt and grime. In addition, banknotes made from Hybrid substrate have a familiar cotton feel, while still offering robust safeguards against counterfeiting.

The National Bank of Tajikistan is delighted with its new notes issued in 2018, especially the wide range of security elements across all denominations and the Hybrid substrate for the lower ones. The series tells a powerful story about this fascinating country, while meeting the everyday needs of its citizens and its banks.

Further Reading

varifeye® ColourChange (Stripe)
The innovative varifeye foil is the most prominent basis for security features on a banknote. This key function is primarily supported by an ingeniously designed translucent window and a brilliant main motif with highly impressive colour change effects.



RollingStar® Security Threads
RollingStar’s striking colour shift and dynamic effects are a real eye-catcher and ideal for immediate level-one authentication. Use them to achieve distinctive effects, such as the striking “rolling cube” where a truly dynamic colour shift reflection travels over the surface.



Hybrid ADDvance® and Hybrid™ 
Hybrid ADDvance and Hybrid are Louisenthal’s solutions for durable and highly secure banknotes from low to high denominations.