Verband Bayerischer Papierfabriken (VBP)
The VBP is the association for Bavarian paper mills, and it represents paper companies in Bavaria. The association advocates for the interests of its members in relation to economic policy, particularly in terms of markets, business development, raw materials, energy, environment, collective bargaining, etc.
Bundesverband, Materialwirtschaft, Einkauf und Logistik e.V. (BME)
The BME (Association for Supply Chain Management, Procurement and Logistics) considers itself to be a strategic partner for all fields and sectors; for example the industrial sector, the retail trade, public bodies, and the financial sector. It aims to widely establish expertise by facilitating continual knowledge exchange, to train and develop skilled personnel, and to undertake scientific work on new methods, procedures, and techniques. The BME also helps open up new markets, and influences economic processes and global developments.
DBG Deutsche Bunsen Gesellschaft für Physikalische Chemie e.V.
The DBG (German Bunsen Society for Physical Chemistry) aims to promote the entire field of physical chemistry from a scientific and technical perspective. Its primary mission is to strengthen the synergies between science and technology, which it does by publishing scientific findings, sharing news from the world of physical chemistry, and organizing scientific meetings and conferences.
Fachbetriebsgemeinschaft Maschinenbau e.V. (FGMA)
As the German professional association for mechanical engineering, with everything the FGMA does it aims to preserve fundamental natural resources and ensure protection of the environment as a whole, while supporting mechanical and plant engineering companies in line with the requirements of the sector. Its sector-specific focus and associated expertise increases the effectiveness of its services for companies.
Förderverein Papierzentrum Gernsbach -FÖP- e.V.
The Bildungswerk Papier (paper educational institute, BIP) provides training and advice for the paper production and processing industry in Germany and Switzerland.
ifo Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung e.V.
In the field of economics, the CESifo Group is a unique research association in Europe. It brings together theoretical economic research from the university with empirical work by a leading economic research institute, and embeds them in an international environment. CESifo Group activities range from its world-renowned services such as the ifo Business Climate Index; through internationally acclaimed research excellence and committed support of young researchers; to its numerous contributions to the political debate, which have had a great deal of publicity at a national and European scale.
Verband Deutscher Papierfabriken e.V. (VDP)
The VDP (German Pulp and Paper Association) is the umbrella organization for manufacturing companies in the German pulp and paper industry. Its membership includes 104 companies. The VDP represents more than 90% of the sector in terms of sales, and as such is able to function as a spokesperson and stakeholder for the largest national paper industry in Europe.The VDP (German Pulp and Paper Association) is the umbrella organization for manufacturing companies in the German pulp and paper industry. Its membership includes 104 companies. The VDP represents more than 90% of the sector in terms of sales, and as such is able to function as a spokesperson and stakeholder for the largest national paper industry in Europe.
Verein der Zellstoff- und Papierchemiker und -Ingenieure e.V. (ZELLCHEMING)
Represents the interests of the paper and pulp industry on an international scale.
Verband nord- und ostdeutscher Papierfabriken e.V. (VNOP)
As the association for paper mills in northern and eastern Germany, the VNOP coordinates the interests of its members in the area of economic policy. In doing this, it plays an important role in representing members’ interests to the state governments and state parliaments in the 5 new federal states. The association is regularly in touch with ministries and institutions that are important to the sector, particularly in respect of matters concerning the economy, business development, the environment, and research.
UVM Unternehmerverband Landkreis Miesbach e.V.
The UVM (Miesbach business association) is a cross-sectoral and cross-industrial politically neutral network that represents the interests of companies in the region. It is fully committed to the principles of SMG Landkreis Miesbach, the local location marketing company, which defines our region as a premium business hub and states sustainable qualitative growth as its main objective.
VCI Verband der Chemischen Industrie e.V.
The VCI (German chemical industry association) represents the economic interests of German chemical and pharma companies, as well as German subsidiaries of foreign corporations, to key target groups such as politicians, public authorities, other areas within the fields of economics, science, and the media. By facilitating committees, specialist committees, working groups and product groups, it establishes the sector position on topics such as energy, climate protection and raw materials, communication, sustainability, product and plant safety, laws and taxation, environmental protection, traffic, the economy, science, and research. The funding body associated with the VCI, the Fonds der Chemischen Industrie (the chemical industry fund) supports young researchers, fundamental chemical research, and chemistry teaching in schools.
Organic Electronics Saxony
This network of companies and institutions was originally restricted to the state of Saxony, but is now open to other partners. It promotes cooperation in the field of organic electronics.
International Hologram Manufacturers Association (IHMA)
IHMA is a non-profit organization that represents and supports the interests of hologram manufacturers and the hologram industry globally..
Organic and Printed Electronics Association (OE-A)
OE-A (Organic and Printed Electronics Association) is the leading international industrial association for the new technologies of organic and printed electronics. OE-A representation covers the entire value chain and offers a unique platform for local and international collaboration between companies and research institutes.